Saturday, March 26, 2011

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On Monday March 28 begins the delivery of computers to the nearly 60,000 seventh grade students across the country who benefited from the program of the Ministry of Education, "I choose my pc." According to the Junaeb, the initiative seeks to increase the levels of equity, reduce the digital divide and encourage boys and girls in vulnerable conditions, which are distinguished by their high school grades. Delivery occurs after the school chose the design and equipment brand. Also this year for the first time the PC will have internet. The allocation of teams will run until 4 May and will be coordinated by the management Junaeb regional. Under this plan, there will be only a day and a delivery point for community, where each child beneficiary must go to his attorney, both with their identification documents, to remove the computer, he cited the statement. (Photo and Text: The Third)

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Marchando hacia el frente

kirchnerismo The candidates of Buenos Aires Daniel Filmus and Carlos Tomada column approached the New Meeting -headed by Mr Martin Sabbatella , Carlos Heller and Vilma Ibarra - during the march on Thursday on the anniversary of the 1976 coup.

Sabbatella aspires to compete for the governorship of Buenos Aires, while Vilma Ibarra Heller and go through the City.

Source: Argentine Time

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, March 24, 2011. Presentation of La Patria rifles, Urondo Francisco,
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Urondo with Angela and Rachel Camps.

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Los que olvidaron el espanto

By Raul Dellatorre

not love them together, they said, but horror the sliding tax that will cut back, even in part, the super-profits that produced the historical record price of soybeans (year 2008). now turn to disengage , but not indifference nor relief past and terror. was the Memorial Day which refreshed him "ditto" Eduardo Buzzi to see their fellow travelers were current members of a dictatorship that broke literally a generation to regain control of the levers of power economic and political.

The path taken by the Rural Society in more than a century of history is coherent to others not surprised to find collaborators with the dictatorship of '76. But their contribution comes from before, when he began working in the assembly stage to enable the coup.

Rural Society and Rural Confederation warned earlier that the death of Peron, on 1 July 1974, was an opportunity to work in a patient work of attrition that would end the government inherited by Isabel Martínez. Later that year, had formed the so-called Action Committee Agricultural , a group of colliding with the interventionist policies of government.

Vicente Muleiro As cited in his 1976 book, Civil Blow, Coninagro participated in this committee and Agrarian Federation, although the latter "some discrepancies" . A recurring phrase after the recent experience of the Liaison Bureau.

In 1975, the factors of economic power is released to an open offensive against the official management, rejecting any form of regulation and characterizing the situation permanently, as "an unbearable state of anarchy." expression led directly to think of "power vacuum", and if someone was occupying it was empty. But still some months would suggest how.

Within these core businesses to pressure the State emphasized the role of agricultural organizations. The aforementioned Agricultural Action Committee launched five strikes during the year 1975, with a sequel destabilizing seldom equaled. If it was intended to sow a climate of chaos, food shortages in urban areas fell like a glove. (Not stocked out and do it again "Buzzi dixit) Its impact was even greater, according who analyzed and wrote about the events of time- who managed all business organizations with the national lockout of 16 February 1976 final push for a democracy that was already doomed.

conglomerate launched this last lockout also had a stellar performance of the Rural Society . The Permanent Assembly of organizations, Entrepreneurs (attachment) born as an expression of that ruling class need to get rid of the shackles of a State which sought to regulate and manage the economy for social objectives. In defense of freedom born attachment, which had to Celedonio Pereda (SRA president), Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz (socio notable and direct descendant of two presidents of the Bed), Jorge Zorreguieta (Sugar Center, today in-law of the Queen of the Netherlands) and Jorge Aguado (CRA), among its notable figures.

With the dictatorship and installed, the story is known. Martinez de Hoz was the best synthesis to express the model of openness, industrialization and economic concentration that would be imposed. Rural Society gave a "one of his best men to occupy the key post after the coup and for five years. Its prevalence, and the interests he represented, was such that when the U.S. declared the embargo against the Soviet Union, Argentina has not adhered to keep the business of selling grain to that power (March 1977).

None of this was unknown in 2008 when officers tried to match Liaison "landholders, farmers and hedge funds on the same claim against the Government, and transformed a sector in an attempt to claim destabilizing. The Report goes, though late in coming. It is thus welcome.

3/26/1911 Page But with the same inner tranquility of conscience, when we have to make a difference, what we do and say: this does not agree " ; " this lack "
we would like to deepen this

", or " this is done different. " In our case, autonomy is the degree of independence with which we make decisions and we are positioned. Our decision is to build a new meeting in the country, but also that New Meeting support the reelection of Cristina, because we understand that we speak of continuity and deepening of the model, and that today is expressed in the nomination and nowhere else. Anyway, we are convinced that we analyze the situation of each district and we will make decisions that have to do with the scenes of each site. While province have decided to go Sabatella gubernatorial candidate and the City of Buenos Aires the goal is shifted right and bring it into line with the project , do not forget the overall objective ours, which is install the new meeting as a national political force , that is not only an electoral process, but a long-term and strategic.

We launched our bid, we understand that we represent a space of citizens thought that locals can relate to us , why not have 100% of the space belonging to Kirchner, but agree course, and understand that we do pose autonomous better represents and at the same time say that we show from day maximum frontage vocation find possible matches with the overall approach we are proposing. For the City of Buenos Aires, our decision is to talk with the three candidates, never express our limit is Boudou.

All we ask is that they respect us, because we build a force own profile, and so as we can not decide who should represent the Frente para la Victoria , we would not like that they choose who represents us better space. That is our decision. vocation We work to create a common space with the FPV to find, if possible, a synthesis . This may occur in the first round as long as we establish the conditions for a common frontage agreement.

Friday, March 25, 2011

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Computer Teacher Training

Two teacher training courses conducted in our school teachers in December 2010 and March 2011, dictated both by SEPEC, an institution under the Archbishopric of Santiago, for teachers of Pre-K to 4 º Medio. In December 2010 the theme was School Coexistence with issues such as bullying, relationships interpersonal and values \u200b\u200bnecessary to develop, within the classroom and at school, an industrial relations climate of acceptance, fairness, trust, solidarity and respect. In the second year, in March 2011, the teachers worked Progress Maps, analyzing its role in the planning and implementation in the classroom.

appreciate the information sent via mail, by the Head of Media UTP, Ms. Nora Guerra, who is currently on medical leave and resume his duties next Monday, April 4. We expect a prompt return.

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Tenemos la vocación de trabajar en un espacio frentista común

Cultural Heritage under threat.

By Andrés Molteni Neogestalt Center Director. The official project is the destruction of the theater as a source of creation itself to be replaced by the recruitment of foreign companies, with production, work and wages for others detriment of the Argentine culture and development.

The truth is that I do not see nthe culturally right policy today representing macrismo sepoy PRO-ended and does not differ from the policy developed by all rights gral Argentine sepoys along our history always destroy domestic production in all its aspects and what they call open business opportunities for multinationals to those governments represent. That's why whenever there is genuine national development will come from the right sepoy to say in their means that we aisalados the world. What is irrational to me is how these rulers sepoys representatives multinationals and concentrated economic groups may be elected by Argentine citizens who share in the same sepoys gral atrocious. That's why we can not let up in the culture war to defeat these groups and their strategies

Almost secretly, although some media publish it,
Mauricio Macri is destroying the Teatro Colon.
is sad and outrageous that this is happening to the indifference of the majority.
Whether your musicians performing public functions to express their concern and disagreement, and the voices raised to denounce what occurs, even to suspend some functions, Macri continues to destroy the Teatro Colon.

As if that were an autonomous body of the 90 island, the destruction Menem and De la Rua ineffectiveness. The Teatro Colon,
historical monument in 1989, is one of historical, architectural and cultural heritage of all Argentines are witnessing
and dismantling as happened with Argentina in the '90s. Let's review the facts: damage to movable and immovable property of the theater, were repeatedly denounced by the architect Fabio Grementieri, awarded internationally for his work as an expert in heritage conservation . (The Nation 11.19.2008) charged that the tasks performed and performed in the theater are outside international conservation recommendations, run by professionals with no history, affecting both movable and immovable heritage whose conservation is the maximum public interest. Materials and inadequate procedures, lack of inventory, stored in conditions that not only protect but also accelerate the deterioration of heritage, scenery, costumes, incunabula, donations, and so on.

The World Monuments Fund analyzed the case of the Teatro Colón and included in the list of 100 Most Endangered Monuments of the World. "The central theme is that people who have been in charge of the work of Teatro Colón do not know about it, and those same people is what goes on in this administration. Added to that, there is a management company in charge of the work that does not know of intervention in historical buildings. They spent several administrations, prime ministers, directors of Columbus and legislators, but nothing happens. Meanwhile, the National Commission on Historical Monuments complicit in this situation for not having prosecuted the matter "argued the architect Grementieri, in a press conference in which workers of the theater announced the launch of a new appeal with justice. (The Nation August 7, 2009). Result:
Grementieri architect was furnished by the Professional Council of Architects and Planners of which the accused belong. The history of the stage floor was replaced with a new . What happened to the old?

was converted into a souvenir, a gift enterprise Patagonia Flooring & Decks, the company that built the new floor. The CEO of the company he told the daily La Nación (January 9, 2011) that those responsible for the restoration of the Teatro Colón told "Take out the trash here" . With this "junk" wanted to make a corporate gift in the style of the Berlin Wall. This comes wrapped in a box with company name, contains a piece of ground where there is a plaque that reads: "This platform is a true witness to the sublime art that gave us personalities such as Julio Bocca, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Rodolf (sic) Nureyev, Leonard Bernstein, Herbert Von Barajas (sic), Zubin Mehta and huge artists ". What happened to the new? The dancers made a complaint before the courts because the new floor suffered injuries that kept them from dancing. season was suspended and Ballet dancers complained that their complaints went unheeded by the authorities of the theater. Maximiliano Guerra himself noted that the new floor is "wrong and damaging to the dancers' (Argentine Time on November 13, 2010.) Teatro Colón has other good invaluable and irreplaceable human heritage. The body of the theater, musicians, dancers, set designers, craftsmen and technicians that made the theater a productive unit. The same is wholly theatrical productions, a unique situation in the world.
And this is what is being dismantled. was repeatedly denounced by the workers. Maximum Parpagnoli denounced "... discuss the functional damage is being done to the theater from the point of view of production. For example, according to analysis of official plans, you will lose 60% of the spaces intended for the production ... we demand an end to the shuttle, ending the steady dismantling of the bodies and the compliance by the government of Macri judgments ordering the reinstatement of all workers at the Columbus (The Nation August 7, 2009) Macri's plan went ahead, was built rehearsal room called the Bicentennial, the place where the room worked for years Saulo Benavente scenery, whose name pays homage to the artist who belonged to the bodies of the theater. A symbol of what is to erase the memory and convert a theater into a room to rent for events of any kind , advertising, jet set news awards at the expense of defending Theatre-factory workers.

The project officer then is the destruction of the theater as a source of creation itself to be replaced by the recruitment of foreign companies, with production, work and wages for others, to the detriment of the Argentine culture and development.

Outsourcing gave us so much damage in other political times, and is now a basis for revision and correction, is a plan Macri. a colonial vision, typical of a project of Argentina dependent and subordinate to the centers of power. A cultural vision settled.
Amid protests

administration deepened Macri persecution:

layoffs, retirements and transfers compulsive and the suspension of elections that would complete the directory with a workers' delegate (which the law itself requires theater autarky and the administration does not comply) coming to the end of introducing them Delegates demand for 55 million pesos, while freezing wages for the rest devaluing the activity and precipitating a conflict that threatens the achievement of 2011 season. are all the ingredients: union persecution, anti-democratic behavior, job insecurity, destruction of cultural heritage, impairment of memory and the dignity of our artists and workers, improvisation, inefficiency and authoritarianism. We can not be indifferent to this is going invisible to the sight.

This is what the ideology of Macri take place in Argentina.

Because it seems that Macri has worked hard to make things "right" at the Teatro Colon. you think an empty box where you can move imported artists and scenery without the uncomfortable presence of Argentine artists who unruly talent also have their own ideas and the awkward property of their dignity. Defend the dignity of the theater and all Argentines. Defend our cultural heritage. Plácido Domingo to solidarity with workers who refuse to play until Macri lift the sanctions. And Macri said: "This is a shame. Argentina is a want not " and that's the only thing we agree, but Macri
referred us to stop and dignity of the theater and its workers. We

Macri beat but more than that we want to become flesh in our town will not allow these sepoys Argentines today represents both Macri as many other leaders of the fourth and serving the media and corporations can never again return to rule our country and our resources.

Source: Argentine Time

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Macri destruye el Teatro Colón

By Martin Sabbatella This contrasts democratic present antagonistic and happily with dictatorial

that yesterday, but it also differs from

other anniversaries of the coup by the size and plurality that has the honor as part of a historical period of great participation and enthusiasm.

At these times, many thousands we meet again in the streets of Buenos Aires and other cities the country to once again endorse our commitment to life and Democracy

our demand that those responsible for genocidal horror end their days in prison, our desire that all appropriate children regain their true identity, our belief building society rights that millions dream today and always. public space that belongs to us all by the presence and commitment, again dressed in the colors of joy and passion militant
resumes with the partisan tone of the songs, with the pace of drums and drummers, with the mixed voices of those we know in the same way, more beyond the column to march.

As for institutional political arena, the country is experiencing a time of tension between sectors to defend interests, but clearly framed in a vital democratic framework. exceptions, whose insignificance invited to ignore, "

the debate between conservatives who express thoughts and those who crave progressive and profound transformations (with all the diversity that exists within each of these two sets) has such intensity and social outreach and democratic institutional framework. Y eso se expresa tanto en el crecimiento de la militancia en partidos, organizaciones, centros de estudiantes, sindicatos, entre otros, como en la recuperación de la opinión y el debate político en todos los espacios de la vida cotidiana.
Luego de sepultar el paradigma de frivolidad e individualismo intentado por los neoliberales en la década anterior,
argentinos y argentinas de todas las edades y regiones se dieron a la tarea de recuperar la política como una herramienta fundamental de participación y transformación. Contaron for that with the encouragement and passion of many militant leaders, among whom, no doubt, the highlight was former President Nestor Kirchner. Just go
a march like today to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the tribute is happily
marked by the color and volume of militancy and popular role, as rarely before. The international economic scenario is also contrasting, especially in the region
. In the mid-'70s, the Latin American democracies corroded succumbed to the weight of "order" military, returning to violence to usurp resources of the state, as he had done several times in the twentieth century,
to make it serve the economic interests of the most enriched. Infringement encouraged, educated and equipped by the main power in the West that its declaimed unsaddled commitment to freedom and democracy worldwide to endorse bloody dictators and a band of murderers and appropriators.
This present, however, us in a process of consolidation of South American integration (Mercosur will turn 20 the day after tomorrow) and a time line ruptures and transformations in the region, the most intense of the last decades, with many presidents committed in the fight against inequality and building more democratic, more free, more caring, more just and egalitarian. The search for a just economic growth, to include rather than exclude and move towards a fairer distribution of wealth is a common goal towards which progress - with varying intensity, throughout the region.
Finally, it is very different and contrasting the society in which we live.
Although there is clearly a long way to go, the social climate that exists, after those three decades of almost complete hegemony of the paradigm realizes neoliberal optimism and social joy, no doubt, we are following the right path. That optimism and joy are also the best way for building the future we dream. Majority , Argentines and Argentine accompany - without leaving comments, criticisms or complaints
the course of transformation in the country. Although a handful of people who lost or are losing privileges insists on describing the sky is falling and forecast storms and hurricanes that have just arrived most of us continue walking, moving, meeting in the morning still building a wider, brighter, more plural, more diverse, more democratic, for all and for all. If that March 24, 1976 was the gateway to a country sinister, violent, dark and bloody, this 24 finds us traveling in a democracy, with passion and joy, along with many, many, the great avenue leading to Argentina as they dreamed and struggled to realize those persecuted, kidnapped, tortured, killed or disappeared during the military dictatorship. Society always wears a bit with the color of reality and a little with their own dreams, that are ours, but were also
of those peers.
We have many reasons to leave. We have 30,000 reasons not to lower the arms
Source: Argentine Time

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30 mil motivos

March 24, 2004: The President of Argentina Nestor
Kirchner calls for "forgiveness on behalf of the State" crimes Argentine military dictatorship. Converts ESMA, a former clandestine detention center, in a Museum of Memory . One of the most memorable moments of that day was when he ordered the army chief to pick up the picture of former dictator Jorge Rafael Videla's military college.



Photo: Argentine Time Top 24/3/2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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SIMCE English Country Results Motivator speech

The Minister of Education, Joaquin Lavin, announced today the results of the first English SIMCE held in October 2010. The results showed that only 11% of students in middle third includes everyday phrases and short texts in the language. He also noted that 89% did not certify a basic level of English. The average test was 99 points of 180 in total. The minimum to achieve certification is 134. "There is a good result but it is the basis on which to begin working for future measurements," said Lavin. The test was conducted at about 240 thousand students from the middle third. Education Minister also announced that within the next few weeks will launch a National Plan of English that will complement the hours field. The idea is that students have the opportunity to take courses outside school hours, in addition, the Ministry of Education will bring teachers from abroad and create a bilingual preschool program to be broadcast on television. (Photographs and Text: The Third)
To continue reading this story, click on the image

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A 35 años del oprobioso y genocida golpe cívico-militar . Ni un paso atrás

24/03/2011 16:30., focus on 9 de Julio and Avenida de Mayo

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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30.000 motivos para seguir luchando

The political economy of military coup
By Matías Kulfas

* Analyze the military coup of 1976 from an economic and social perspective leads us to two aspects plants.
The first is that Argentina went through, then the fifth decade of industrialization process, initiated forcefully about the consequences of the global crisis of 1930, then transformed into a national development strategy
, in the first instance with Peronism (Highest national basis, state, and the role of workers) and then with the development
(with greater presence of transnational firms). For all that is but natural that los sectores de la derecha cipaya argentina siempre hablan bien de Frondizi , lease el macrismo , cuando para mi Frondizi es un momento nefasto de nuestra historia , el tipo nombraba ministros de economía a los ultraliberales cipayos antiargentinos como Alvaro Alsogaray y Krieger Vasena, que luego salían a decir que había que pasar el invierno . Mucho se ha hablado sobre las deficiencias de aquel proceso de industrialización, que sin lugar a dudas las tuvo, pero también se ha pretendido opacar o negar sus logros.

( permitió que sobrevivieran sindicatos fuertes que puedieron resistir la proscripción durante 20 años, eso es un logro seguramente) Sin ir más far if today we have a competitive industry in areas as distant from the comparative advantages of liberal thought posits, such as steel, aluminum and petrochemicals, among many others, was because there were industrial policies during those periods.

is said that the industrialization process was exhausted in the mid-70s, the foreign exchange balance requirements did not support manufacturing growth, generating recurring balance of payments crisis and the industry was uncompetitive Argentina inefficient. However, the creators of this type of postures ( not all from the liberal right ) ignored that between 1964 and 1974 Argentina never had a year of recession and persistently industry grew at a rate of 5.6 percent.
in the early '60s, 99 percent of Argentine exports were agricultural. Ten years later, manufacturing accounted for 15 percent of exports, and even sold turnkey industrial plants to other peripheral countries. Not bad for a peripheral country of late industrialization.

is said that liberal reforms were inevitable and had to alter the economic course. However, other countries that persisted in the road to industrialization economic results were spectacular.
An example is the case of Korea,
country in 1970 showed a level of wealth per capita five times lower than ours and that few years later we had gone far beyond its industrial production capacity.

Industrialization was not dead. What was exhausted, for certain privileged social sectors , was an economic system that tends to full employment and distributive tensions introduced permanent forced them to cede portions of their growing wealth. Here is the second focus of the military coup: its class character. And what better way to appreciate such a character that

the figure of José Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, the executor of the economic policy that would give land to the process of industrialization. descendant of a traditional family of ranchers, his public activity was devoted exclusively to de facto governments. Salta Finance Minister during the Revolution called Liberation and then the nation during the reign of Guido. The intention disciplining the coup was clearly evident: the society of full employment and distributive tensions were the main target of economic policy.
In the future no longer be necessary the intervention of the armed forces, would be the very market forces that disciplinary society.
After the long night of dictatorship fear of repression and physical disappearance would be replaced, and in the '90s, by the fear of unemployment. is therefore appropriate to interpret the human rights policy of the governments of Nestor Kirchner and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner not only in the context of the legitimate search truth and justice, but also as part of a comprehensive and coherent reformulation of the role of government and politics. In that address,
economic policy implemented since 2003 has reversed the stage of industrialization, workers return to their areas of negotiation and real wage recovery and, most importantly, restore the state and transformative politics as a vocation.
* Economist. Director of the National Bank. President of the Association of Economic Development of Argentina. Source: Page 12

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La imposición del modelo económico a traves del genocidio

On Saturday 19 began another assault of several empires against a Third World country. As in the Balkans in 1999 orin Iraq in 2003,
invaders brought the suit "humane" when searching for oil and power only.


developed countries who design anti-nationals operating in the Third World should improve the layout a bit. , then changed Enduring Freedom , or put Odyssey dawn "to the current attack on Libya, many people biased against him. If they had put
"oil cheaper for me," for example, being obvious, have moved to a smile on more than one of the detractors. That operation repeated the genesis of the above. already known: the U.S. government's allegations and his European colleagues, CNN, BBC and Fox News as firemen; demonization of the opponent as a dictator

formerly Hussein, now and tomorrow may Kadhafy
Hugo Chavez - and finally a vote in the narrow framework of the Security Council of the UN. (with countries suiendo subjects always functional and bowing his head against the empire as they have now China, Russia does not veto the resolution or European countries have done when Bush decided to completely ignored the historic Yankee hypocrisy oor bypassing the UN but invading Iraq and taking their resources and businesses and countries that a few months before were classified as "old Europe" by Richard Rumsfeld ie France and Germany, once unleashed unilateral invasion, ie without spending resources so paid, sque yankees carpenters and plumbers to continue feeding so large corporations, the old Europeans quickly a few months before allied to doing big business with the appropriate Iraqi oil by invsasores and their corporations and obviously they fucked up in the hundreds of thousands of victims of this terrible invasion. Brazil now saw himself getting chastised Obama and not the least for their actions by Dilma except Lula dignity rechanzando participate in a lunch with these despicable imperial delegates Bush or Obama. ) Obtained Resolution No. 1973, on Thursday, USA and its European allies, especially France, were put to work to implement it as soon as possible. After a meeting and greedy at the Elysee in Paris with Nicolas Sarkozy as host , American delegates (Hillary Clinton), the European Union, Arab League and the monarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council decided to begin the shots. White
On Saturday 19 the first left hundreds of Tomahawk missiles from aircraft and ships from the Mediterranean to hit some targets military and Libyan air defenses and tanks, but in many civilian targets. For example, hospitals were hit and Saladin Al-Tajura in Ain Zara, and a clinic near Tripoli.
If recapitulates that on Thursday voted by the Security Council of the UN and the attack began on Saturday , one must conclude that the operation against the north African country was militarily planned long before. Nobody can invent in 48 hours, except when there was some disagreement in the Security Council, where China, Russia, Germany and Brazil abstained.
(but not vetoed and left to act clearly being accomplices) beating Differences were also within the European Union because Germany seemed determined to give the green light to attack , unlike France and the United Kingdom, which from the beginning were the most fanatical of this war.
Superficially you might think that Sarkozy was the mind behind the bombing. Perhaps this behavior influenced the reporting of Muammar belligerent Kadhafy and his son Saif al-Islam that the French president's election campaign was financed with money from the Libyan government.
The complainants said they had receipts or proof of money transfers with which Sarkozy arrived at the Elysee Palace.

But without denying this fact and Chirac's anger at being put in evidence globally, we must point out that the operation command is American. As always.

U.S. is in charge. Odyssey of Dawn "are headed by Gen. Carter F. Ham, chief of U.S. Africa Command (Africom), based in Stuttgart, Germany. naval component command has the same type, because the fleets involved recognize Admiral Samuel J. Locklear, whose staff work on board the USS Mount Whitney. " NATO for now does not appear as screen, its general secretary Anders Fogh Rasmussen was not involved in food and military announcements made in Paris. This task force continued to strengthen naval and air before the bloody dawn since in Egypt had confirmed that two U.S. warships had crossed the Suez Canal toward the Mediterranean. Providence were the nuclear submarine and the destroyer Mason, members of a naval group led by the aircraft carrier Enterprise, which carries jet fighters. Moreover, the group of amphibious operations of the "USS Kearsarge" includes about 2,000 sailors, a fleet of helicopters and medical facilities. This vessel was located last year in the vicinity of Haiti affected by the earthquake and medicated only U.S. Marines and Haitian any officer or moneybags ; is now expected to observe the health of the U.S. military European and (Libyans, abstain). Third


Five U.S. warships in the Mediterranean Sea and the contingent is growing. Nearby Libya, are the destroyers and Barry Stout, and submarines Providence, Florida and Scranton, all equipped with Tomahawk missiles, which payload is 450 kilos.
orders concentrate these ships and aircraft in the area were given by the Pentagon in early March and not 17, when the UN voted his unfortunate decision.
was published and the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates had stated that it had agreed to engage in a third war in addition to Iraq and Afghanistan! Gates had felt that if his successor in the portfolio was in favor of a third simultaneous war should be suspected of insanity. However, Secretary of State, on tour in Tunisia and Egypt, sought to influence the future of these two undemocratic nations in transition, and arranged with the Egyptian military of arming opponents Kadhafy through the common border. Hillary Clinton arrived in Paris just in time to participate in the meeting with Sarkozy and other allies, and compromising the role U.S. could not be absent from this feast of death.

(obviously address the role of war and businesses realize) The U.S. headquarters of "Odyssey" is in Stuttgart and coordinates with the operational center of Lyon and Gallic air to the English in Northwood.

"Collateral Damage."
To date it has not been heard or read in the press of the aggressor force apologize for the "collateral damage" caused to civilians Libyans, as made infamous in the military parts from Baghdad and Kabul. But surely appear as such cynical apologies because on the first day of bombing had killed 48 people and hundreds more were injured. Then

the death toll rose to more than 60 and also augmented the wounded. The French aircraft, British and U.S. launched missiles against targets located in Tripoli, and U.S. B-2 dropped bombs on the air base at Al Watyah, southwest of the capital. should be clarified that the 22-member Arab League, which had agreed to a "runner-fly" in Libya, has criticized the aggressive mode of operation. His owner, and former Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa, said it was not agreed. (naive, it's like we did not create military bases in Colombia affect our continental and territorial sioberanía claramenete constitute a serious threat to the security of all countries of UNASUR beyond what can be said to the media)

There had been opposed by Syria and Algeria to the initial endorsement of that league. Then, seeing the course of this brutal aggression, most members have refused to cooperate with the exception of Qatar that would be heading. By the way, we reiterate the warning given in this column at the beginning of the Arab revolt in the Middle East and the Maghreb, the
that President Cristina Fernández fincar had such high expectations of their meetings last January with the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani. The presidential visit was presented as a phenomenon, especially the food business "Business Opportunities, Trade and Investment between Argentina and Qatar" . Qatar is the lone supplier of aircraft to the aggressors , same as the kingdom of Bahrain, which has its seat on the Yankee Fleet V.
foreign interference. As Barack Obama will create the world's supreme director

had ordered to Libya: "must cease all attacks against civilians and Kadhafy must stop the advance of his troops to Benghazi, and withdraw its troops from Ajdabiya, Misrata and Zawiya. Otherwise, the international community act and resolution reinforced by military action. " Ajdabiya believe that Obama "is Texas, Miami and Zawiya Misrata it is New York?
Such foreign interference and aggression is what, paradoxically, may end up favoring Kadhafy, who has maneuvered skillfully in those days. has put himself in the role of a patriot Muslim bombarded by a foreign crusade of Christians who are to steal 46,000 million barrels of oil. When the contradiction Nation-power imperialism, the fight booking more chances of victory in the first term, especially since the mid-twentieth century. The one million civilian deaths in Iraq testifies that empires lie about "humanitarian intervention." Usually searching for oil, minerals, million-dollar contracts, business, military bases to dominate the world and his place as top agents authorities, a role Kadhafy was not fully complying despite its efforts since 2003 .


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Denise Milani Car Pose

EE.UU. y Europa quieren adueñarse del petróleo y el gobierno libio

Elections 2011 For
Looks Eduardo Anguita Director of the South.

is true that the image of the president has an important weight , transcendental this year. But what evidence is that Cristina is not a figure loved and respected individual only.
It is the result of a collective framework. While awaiting the final tally of votes and much of society just wonder why Telegrams arrive today with the results of 15 polls, Maria das Neves elaborated by America 24. The strange thing is that the channel of Vila-Manzano-De Narvaez was already closed the subject and the winner was untraceable videograph Martín Buzzi. course, we must understand that Francisco de Narváez was there, in Rawson, on Sunday night in the bunker Das Neves.
He still governor of Chubut and former ally for years
Nestor Kirchner should think that for many viewers, he was a presidential candidate. Because ultimately the idea is to Das Neves in October in front of a formula that to compete against him or the candidate of the Front for Victory. "So, if Amado Boudou is part of the country and are popular with baked potatoes"
said one of the many definitions puncture the governor.
then sent to Anibal Fernandez, who predicted that he would deal with issues of descent for their roles in the Club Quilmes. lost no opportunity of saying that he had won Lucia Catamarca Corpacci "for the three points that gave (Ramón Saadi)" not even remember that the victory of the now-governor was by one point. American journalist surely was instructed not to cross-examine or be challenged by such delusions. (shooting star every journalist hegemonic half that price is an automaton incapable of represguntar nothing and faithfully serve the editorial to impose)

tried to find out if Das Neves participate in this sort of early open primaries -style primaries in the United States, the Federal Peronism wishes to start on April 3 in the City of Buenos Aires. Das Neves not answer and the reporter asked again gently. course The governor and candidate said that "what matters is an agreement program and the names are secondary. " In a lapse that controlled the last moment, be honest: "The important thing is not who has more rating ...." He was smarter than a contest between himself measures, Eduardo Duhalde and Alberto Rodriguez Saa, as was agreed on February 9. incontinence Das Neves is as fragile as his memory: 45 days ago agreed to this caravan of open primaries and now avoids arise. not have to be very insightful to realize that 45 days ago Buzzi their candidate had 15 points over Carlos Eliceche, the reality of this Sunday leaves him offside. is, how to campaign

when the tie is still fresh in your province? How to explain

winning by 70% of the votes and now his successor is 37% ? Now, there is room for Peronism outside the Front for Victory at national level? In Catamarca, Liliana Barrionuevo, with the support of his brother Luis, took just over two points. In Chubut, Graciela Camano Duhalde assumed frontrunner in the province of Buenos Aires, a failure stuck to more muted than that of her husband (Luis Barrionuevo) but not even its own candidate. Duhalde missed the train and you just need Mauricio Macri insisting that he make a place in the sun PRO. So Alberto Rodriguez Saa will stay in a one-legged table, his own. (I think in planetary Eperara Illium name it) So braking is the governor of San Luis, on their official website, the latest releases are part of December last year and the "agenda of activities," warns "soon be published daily activities." CHUBUT, THE PRESIDENT AND SAFETY. Carlos Eliceche alleged fraud. The number of contested votes is analogous to the difference between him and Buzzi. But beyond the numbers,
the issue is about ethics. E l

Electoral Tribunal, which is part of the judiciary of the province, has an obligation to make the final count, which promised to launch today and should not be delayed much

- plus explanation on the delays of the 15 tables sent a telegram today and report any irregularities that Eliceche. The clerk of the court, John Gerber, had agreed to provide online information from 20 hours, yet at 22 just started to give details. Undoubtedly, these two provincial elections confirm that the positive image of Cristina Kirchner has significant weight in the elections. specialists often point out that public opinion is not the same head-on-pay vote for governor than for president and there are few times when the contagion effect works. No doubt this is one of the cases. But it should go a little further: it is true that the image of the President plays a major, momentous in this year.

Cristina But what evidence is that not a single figure loved and respected only. It is the result of a collective framework. construction of a model that links sovereign country in the coordinates of this century, with historical roots in Argentina and Latin American drink together in the last seventy years.

Furthermore, it should be noted that not only manages

State and is the natural candidate for October. She takes the place of political leadership of a national space where political and social sectors. fundamental seems to put back into the scene that the deepening of the process initiated in May 2003 is higher quality and distribution rights income for workers and the dispossessed. This means that the sense of national and popular is not throwing away those who think differently or even someone to defend conflicting interests of employees or outsiders. Cristina put it very clearly at the opening of regular sessions of Congress: Moving in a law that limits foreign ownership of land and wealth from the ground (today is the international day of water, for example) but, she stressed must be done without scaring investment. as Since there is still a difficult road ahead.
And to the extent that advance the protagonismo de los trabajadores y de la juventud militante, muchos temas ocuparán la agenda diaria de la política. Temas energéticos, financieros, de transporte, de transparencia de gestión, no son temas inocuos que surjan de una incubadora de ideas, por más que las incubadoras son imprescindibles. Para ejemplo de cómo es preciso mantener la armonía entre la declamación y la acción, basta ver a Fernando Pino Solanas saludando a Mario Vargas Llosa como un orgullo latinoamericano sólo para meter una cuña. Lo mismo le da a Pino ir al canal de Daniel Hadad que a TN que a la Expoagro. Por último, un ejemplo de cómo la profundización del modelo despierta strong resistance to actions that need to be prepared. Ricardo Ragendorfer warned in the latest issue of Perspectives on South threats emerging from the displacement of some key commissioners of the Federal Police by the Security Minister Nilda Garre. Ragendorfer aware that among the alternatives that take into account some heads may be displaced or separated from the force, is to generate "liberated zones" to cause chaos or even to commit crimes. What happened on Sunday near the club Velez Sarsfield has too many dark components. Perhaps death Aramayo Ramon was not premeditated. but there were changes in the way they should take the buses where they were fans of San Lorenzo. Specifically, an hour before the game, two blocks from the entrance of the bias visitor had a hundred Vélez fans identified with the hooligan of the club who were in front of two buses that brought fans of San Lorenzo and whose path had changed at the last minute ,

and did not have enough police custody.

would be nice to know who was behind the attack of the bars to those fans Vélez San Lorenzo and a few policemen at the station 17 who came to try to stop the attack. a pitched battle ensued in which shots were fired rubber bullets and lack of bars. There is a current security policy. That is why there is resistance. Source: Argentine Time

Garmin Mobile Pc Map Folder

Das Neves, “estamos al horno con papas”

Urtubey is presentable. How long, Urtubey?

I get this email from the / Colleagues of Adista, Tartagal, Salta, with a serious complaint

(one more, and go ...) . Again, the police provincial attacks the LGBT community in Salta, a province whose governor, Juan Manuel Urtubey, campaigned against equal marriage and refuses to accept the repeal of discriminatory provisions, and openly repressive pre-democratic and unconstitutional Code of Misdemeanors

that allow police to persecute, and criminalize blackmail gays and lesbians, among other social sectors, and especially transvestite and transgender people. as I said here a few years ago , the transvestites are straight and human. repression, discrimination, imprisonment, torture and even murder of people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity is a state policy in Salta, continued by successive governments of Juan Carlos "closet" Romero (former Menem, the Peronist today Federal) and Juan Manuel Urtubey (ex Menem, now at the Front for Victory), both linked to the Catholic Church hierarchy.

State Policy
so that even more homophobic congressman Alfredo Olmedo, who aim to succeed as a candidate of PRO, will surely deepen,

if we consider his constant statements to the press, in which it is proud of their ignorance and hatred against gays and lesbians.
Verbatim copying the e-mail received and I hope this report serves to draw the attention of the national political leadership, justice Salta, media and society at large about the plight of systematic violation of Human Rights we live in the province of Salta. *** Sunday March 6, at noon May group mates were in a private home located south of our city (and half a block from the police station No. 45) when they were surprised by the way that went uno de los policías de guardia que no dudo en llamar a todos los demás. Ante la desesperación nuestros amigos intentaron refugiarse en la casa donde pero no sirvió de nada porque todos los policías que se encontraban de guardia, rodearon la casa y entraron abruptamente (y porsupuesto sin ningún tipo de permiso) y a fuerza de golpes, puños, patadas e insultos. Los detuvieron llevándolos a todos esposados. Pasaron más de 24 horas detenidos.

No es menor todo lo vivido dentro de la comisaria ya que allí comenzó el verdadero sufrimiento. Según lo relatado por uno de nuestros amigos "nos patearon hasta el cansancio como a perros, a todos nos pegaban en la cabeza sin parar cada vez que intentábamos mirarlos, mientras estábamos esposados, y no sirvió de nada explicarles que trabajamos en instituciones públicas, que somos docentes o trabajadores de la misma policía!!!", nos dijo.

Nuestros amigos estuvieron arrodillados y esposados, contra la pared, cerca de dos horas antes de ser llevados al hospital para la correspondiente revisación. Al llegar a las salas de guardia la doctora de turno casi no encontró nada. Inmediatamente fueron llevados nuevamente a la comisaria 45 y allí quedaron detenidos en una celda común junto a otros 20 detenidos. Párrafo aparte deserves the abuse of other detainees who tried to rape them all night.

also told us how the police taunted them by referring to their sexual identities using terribly offensive and violated terms such as "control of shit, son of thousand bitches shut up, shut up trolley shit, here we do what we want ", among other calamities. It was in vain to say that one of our colleagues working on the 911 or another was a teacher in secondary schools.

Over 24 hours were completely incommunicado despite use two of our city lawyers could hardly do anything. At 23 pm on that Sunday freed two of the five detainees (who could tell the details): Juan Ramón Sosa (hairdresser) and Xenon Flores (friend of John). During the following Monday morning, the members of Adista and we headed to the Correctional Court No. 2 (where they took the statements) and subsequently spoke with Dr. Naomi Garcia of the Office, the professional in charge of issues of police abuse. Other colleagues were released on Monday 07 of power at 16 pm. We talked about Fabricio Urgel (Professor, Political Science), Sebastian Barraza (operator of 911) and Mariana Salas (housewife and premium Fabricius, came home all that is told here.)

As is known, 3 police denounce them first to our colleagues, accusing them of insult to the authority, strength and physical abuse (said to have been stoned for us!) Understand that the most affected is Chilo named NCO (which would have more than 74 complaints of mistreatment and more than 14 complaints of violation of domicile.

is also worth noting that all neighbors of Barrio 104 saw and heard everything from the moment they entered the house of Mariana until taken to the Commissioner 45. They are loyal and willing witnesses to testify in the case.

Throughout this week we published the case in all local media. The five companions and made complaints to the Prosecutor for our city (Dr. Naomi Garcia will take the statements) and the lawyer representing them is called Sara Esper.

From ADISTA (ASSOCIATION OF SEXUAL DIVERSITY TARTAGAL) repudiate recent discriminatory acts of police violence in the city of Tartagal. We demand the immediate repeal of unconstitutional Offences Code which governs in our province and the end of police abuse towards transvestites and gays.


DENOUNCE. Not silenced.

Ariel Sandoval (ADISTA coordinator) -
Tel: 03875-15551752 / 424 743

Dr. Sara Esper (defense attorney) - Tel: 03875-15500947
Source: Bruni Blog
Bimbi Photo: Urtubey honoring Negre de Alonso puajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj of Opus Dei Nazi HDP