Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Making Outboard Faster


Wenas, because after seeing that the gifts have reached their destinations here the pa upload that you can see:
Lupita Regalito for a scarf woven tape and good, I wanted to send a bag a bit unusual for the phone but as I do not know what size is it all a little larger than normal, and not see the edges boobles go with, I hope all like it because I knitted with love. Gift Lu
a pouch with purse rack. I've got buttons because I know the love hehe. Weno I hope you like it, kisses

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Multi Conference Skype

I was filling the office of bugs

That has sustooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happened here, waiting for a package that look ma masters Colao
a bug sucks huge vaaaa ain that, look at him where their habitat has been jajaja

but do not know something weird is MY GOD YES Cross-eyed critters IS THE PENALTY, weno me to stay around here, I do not know what hit a stomp jjajaj

If it's ugly, the poor, I think he's up pa teeth out, but sa escapao where this thing jajajajjaja, ain that care do you gustaaaaa leestoy picking? I hope so


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Funny Wedding Koozie Ideas

Congratulations OMAAAAAAA

Po zi, is the birthday of mine mmammmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ole mom destination that's my girl, born on the day of the enamoraossssssssss jajjjajaja, you turn millions of years, do not stress that I know you and you up the tension that you need to take muchoooooooooooooooo reinaaaaaaa, I command you kiss my awesome Reinón, you are the best in the whole world that I musho omaaaaaaa ta, you too pa opaaaaa not say and my baboseitor jajajajja,

And congratulations to all lovers pa all


and Coomes some tissue and is touching up the blog, here I leave the photo gift you sent my cousin Ana queer, bundle that Toledo does pretty chilly.

A hat with his scarf, thank goodness that goes well, because without knowing the size of your kernel (head) jajajaj complicaillo
jiji besotes muak you enjoy the day.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Submitting To A Headscissors


Jajajajajaja, I am very brave I am going to show storage of hand I hope to jijijij day that ye do not harsh criticism, but I promise that I always, after the photo will give you a guided tour bag, jajjaja

Starting from the left,

bag, jajajaj,

The big wallet cards, etc. .......

A purse for loose change,

An agenda,

Evidence of recent purchases,

The Cell-led brick,


candy wrappers that shot because I never find a trash can when I need


The metro bus,

pa watch glasses, sunglasses,

A pen,

3 lighters,

50.000.0000.000 milloones of house keys, office, garage , control of the garage, my car, the car of my relative ....,

The mp3,

A sewing pattern pa pa a doll I'm doing,

top purse
the Scrap-pa pa the refrigerator magnet I got in with a few clips stuck pelu jajajajajaja,

pa pills heartburn,

saline (do not know pa it took),

A perfume sample

Weno because it is bigger if not more things would


Friday, February 8, 2008

Indian Boobs In 18 Years Old

teach you the bag already

Weno first thing I do is thank my Yennys the award has given me is called "lift the trophy" And I happened to all those who pass by my blog with all my heart.

And finally jijiji is Friday, I leave this video for a while enjoy jijji:

pretty good that you spend good weekend kisses

Monday, February 4, 2008

How To Get A Custom Made Lengha In Ca

nice aparecióooooooo Mother overwhelmed

As my Carmen loved Tye, Jelou, well, after a small crisis I tell you, this weekend I had a knitting, wool and very very relajadita yeah, at last, although I can not upload photos of what I've been knitting will not long without posting, but what really made me happy was to get my ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORK, I know some of you will have, but I've been behind this time jiji musho
found three available through the Web, one had already sold (cachi in ten), the second adding unbound so what came out the encyclopedia, plus postage, plus the binding .... marine fabric and the third .......... ta chan so this was my choice to biennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, is in perfect condition in 1979 from the publisher salvat.
Mother what is coming, I'm making a list of things I want to learn, tatting, bobbin lace, embroidery, crochet course (and is playing jijij) and ... do Carpet, yes sir TACA ajjjjjjjjj and techniques from macrame, embroidery and other in my life have I heard many happy toy, I'll have to start saving pa jijijii buy all the gadgets.

Here are the pics of my small little treasure :

At home he has made one that I know the hairs on end jiij, but instead of toldiarecogiendolaslanitas gadgets from toldiarecogiendolosbolillitos now, the Alfileritos .... etc .... jajajajjajajj.
Well I'm going to take it easy, slowly over all the rolls, my mother knows them and after the conversation with her, calmly ain ............. but many jjijij, the first thing is the hook and carpets ...... and then ...... God will tell.

A book I stole from my mother another gem.

And the first thing I bought (very recomendableeeeeee) always, always consult is all very well explicadito.

PD: Did you know that was the man in the early point in charge of weaving and women only was the wool? jjjjjjjj I'm going to discuss my relative by if you dare jajjajajaj.

Well I say goodbye with a kiss to all those in my low moments have supported me so many precious kisses muak