Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Submitting To A Headscissors


Jajajajajaja, I am very brave I am going to show storage of hand I hope to jijijij day that ye do not harsh criticism, but I promise that I always, after the photo will give you a guided tour bag, jajjaja

Starting from the left,

bag, jajajaj,

The big wallet cards, etc. .......

A purse for loose change,

An agenda,

Evidence of recent purchases,

The Cell-led brick,


candy wrappers that shot because I never find a trash can when I need


The metro bus,

pa watch glasses, sunglasses,

A pen,

3 lighters,

50.000.0000.000 milloones of house keys, office, garage , control of the garage, my car, the car of my relative ....,

The mp3,

A sewing pattern pa pa a doll I'm doing,

top purse
the Scrap-pa pa the refrigerator magnet I got in with a few clips stuck pelu jajajajajaja,

pa pills heartburn,

saline (do not know pa it took),

A perfume sample

Weno because it is bigger if not more things would



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