By Martin Sabbatella This contrasts democratic present antagonistic and happily with dictatorial that yesterday, but it also differs from
other anniversaries of the coup by the size and plurality that has the honor as part of a historical period of great participation and enthusiasm.
At these times, many thousands we meet again in the streets of Buenos Aires and other cities the country to once again endorse our commitment to life and Democracy our demand that those responsible for genocidal horror end their days in prison, our desire that all appropriate children regain their true identity, our belief building society rights that millions dream today and always. public space that belongs to us all by the presence and commitment, again dressed in the colors of joy and passion militant
resumes with the partisan tone of the songs, with the pace of drums and drummers, with the mixed voices of those we know in the same way, more beyond the column to march.
As for institutional political arena, the country is experiencing a time of tension between sectors to defend interests, but clearly framed in a vital democratic framework. exceptions, whose insignificance invited to ignore, "
the debate between conservatives who express thoughts and those who crave progressive and profound transformations (with all the diversity that exists within each of these two sets) has such intensity and social outreach and democratic institutional framework. Y
Luego de sepultar el paradigma de frivolidad e individualismo intentado por los neoliberales en la década anterior,
argentinos y argentinas de todas las edades y regiones se dieron a la tarea de recuperar la política como una herramienta fundamental de participación y transformación. Contaron for that with the encouragement and passion of many militant leaders, among whom, no doubt, the highlight was former President Nestor Kirchner. Just go
a march like today to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the tribute is happily
marked by the color and volume of militancy and popular role, as rarely before. The international economic scenario is also contrasting, especially in the region
. In the mid-'70s, the Latin American democracies corroded succumbed to the weight of "order" military, returning to violence to usurp resources of the state, as he had done several times in the twentieth century,
to make it serve the economic interests of the most enriched. Infringement encouraged, educated and equipped by the main power in the West that its declaimed unsaddled commitment to freedom and democracy worldwide to endorse bloody dictators and a band of murderers and appropriators.
This present, however, us in a process of consolidation of South American integration (Mercosur will turn 20 the day after tomorrow) and a time line ruptures and transformations in the region, the most intense of the last decades, with many presidents committed in the fight against inequality and building more democratic, more free, more caring, more just and egalitarian. The search for a just economic growth, to include rather than exclude and move towards a fairer distribution of wealth is a common goal towards which progress - with varying intensity, throughout the region.
Finally, it is very different and contrasting the society in which we live.
Although there is clearly a long way to go, the social climate that exists, after those three decades of almost complete hegemony of the paradigm realizes neoliberal optimism and social joy, no doubt, we are following the right path. That optimism and joy are also the best way for building the future we dream. Majority , Argentines and Argentine accompany - without leaving comments, criticisms or complaints
the course of transformation in the country. Although a handful of people who lost or are losing privileges insists on describing the sky is falling and forecast storms and hurricanes that have just arrived most of us continue walking, moving, meeting in the morning still building a wider, brighter, more plural, more diverse, more democratic, for all and for all. If that March 24, 1976 was the gateway to a country sinister, violent, dark and bloody, this 24 finds us traveling in a democracy, with passion and joy, along with many, many, the great avenue leading to Argentina as they dreamed and struggled to realize those persecuted, kidnapped, tortured, killed or disappeared during the military dictatorship. Society always wears a bit with the color of reality and a little with their own dreams, that are ours, but were also
of those peers.
We have many reasons to leave. We have 30,000 reasons not to lower the arms
Source: Argentine Time
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