By Raul Dellatorre
not love them together, they said, but horror the sliding tax that will cut back, even in part, the super-profits that produced the historical record price of soybeans (year 2008). now turn to disengage , but not indifference nor relief past and terror. was the Memorial Day which refreshed him "ditto" Eduardo Buzzi to see their fellow travelers were current members of a dictatorship that broke literally a generation to regain control of the levers of power economic and political.
The path taken by the Rural Society in more than a century of history is coherent to others not surprised to find collaborators with the dictatorship of '76. But their contribution comes from before, when he began working in the assembly stage to enable the coup.
Rural Society and Rural Confederation warned earlier that the death of Peron, on 1 July 1974, was an opportunity to work in a patient work of attrition that would end the government inherited by Isabel MartÃnez. Later that year, had formed the so-called Action Committee Agricultural , a group of colliding with the interventionist policies of government.
Vicente Muleiro As cited in his 1976 book, Civil Blow, Coninagro participated in this committee and Agrarian Federation, although the latter "some discrepancies" . A recurring phrase after the recent experience of the Liaison Bureau.
In 1975, the factors of economic power is released to an open offensive against the official management, rejecting any form of regulation and characterizing the situation permanently, as "an unbearable state of anarchy." expression led directly to think of "power vacuum", and if someone was occupying it was empty. But still some months would suggest how.
Within these core businesses to pressure the State emphasized the role of agricultural organizations. The aforementioned Agricultural Action Committee launched five strikes during the year 1975, with a sequel destabilizing seldom equaled. If it was intended to sow a climate of chaos, food shortages in urban areas fell like a glove. (Not stocked out and do it again "Buzzi dixit) Its impact was even greater, according who analyzed and wrote about the events of time- who managed all business organizations with the national lockout of 16 February 1976 final push for a democracy that was already doomed.
conglomerate launched this last lockout also had a stellar performance of the Rural Society . The Permanent Assembly of organizations, Entrepreneurs (attachment) born as an expression of that ruling class need to get rid of the shackles of a State which sought to regulate and manage the economy for social objectives. In defense of freedom born attachment, which had to Celedonio Pereda (SRA president), Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz (socio notable and direct descendant of two presidents of the Bed), Jorge Zorreguieta (Sugar Center, today in-law of the Queen of the Netherlands) and Jorge Aguado (CRA), among its notable figures.
With the dictatorship and installed, the story is known. Martinez de Hoz was the best synthesis to express the model of openness, industrialization and economic concentration that would be imposed. Rural Society gave a "one of his best men to occupy the key post after the coup and for five years. Its prevalence, and the interests he represented, was such that when the U.S. declared the embargo against the Soviet Union, Argentina has not adhered to keep the business of selling grain to that power (March 1977).
None of this was unknown in 2008 when officers tried to match Liaison "landholders, farmers and hedge funds on the same claim against the Government, and transformed a sector in an attempt to claim destabilizing. The Report goes, though late in coming. It is thus welcome.
3/26/1911 Page But with the same inner tranquility of conscience, when we have to make a difference, what we do and say: this does not agree " ; " this lack "
", or " this is done different. " In our case, autonomy is the degree of independence with which we make decisions and we are positioned. Our decision is to build a new meeting in the country, but also that New Meeting support the reelection of Cristina, because we understand that we speak of continuity and deepening of the model, and that today is expressed in the nomination and nowhere else. Anyway, we are convinced that we analyze the situation of each district and we will make decisions that have to do with the scenes of each site. While province have decided to go Sabatella gubernatorial candidate and the City of Buenos Aires the goal is shifted right and bring it into line with the project , do not forget the overall objective ours, which is install the new meeting as a national political force , that is not only an electoral process, but a long-term and strategic.
We launched our bid, we understand that we represent a space of citizens thought that locals can relate to us , why not have 100% of the space belonging to Kirchner, but agree course, and understand that we do pose autonomous better represents and at the same time say that we show from day maximum frontage vocation find possible matches with the overall approach we are proposing. For the City of Buenos Aires, our decision is to talk with the three candidates, never express our limit is Boudou.
All we ask is that they respect us, because we build a force own profile, and so as we can not decide who should represent the Frente para la Victoria , we would not like that they choose who represents us better space. That is our decision. vocation We work to create a common space with the FPV to find, if possible, a synthesis . This may occur in the first round as long as we establish the conditions for a common frontage agreement.