Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Waffle On Stick Malaysia

Yes, I can, I have overwhelmed to the toenails. Sorry I can not update the blog as I would like but there are times I have to set priorities and one of them is to work to pay the mortgage, I have a season with no time for anything and when the weekend comes always, always, always there is always something to do. My life is summed up in, work, come home, see the time, and desire to lie down to mourn, my poor little Lanit toldiarecogiéndolas I can not even step out for a walk and not seeing them, I get a tremendous burden because I do many things and not finish any, from time to time I think it is becoming more of an obligation a fun knit and then I see him weaving a blogger and I'm bringing more oppression, I want to learn to do that, I can not do what other, if they did not have to open the blog, if I have no level that if Maroto that if the bike, which more and more burden and more and more. Luckily

always displayed something that encourages you and is the prize that I have given my dearest: Corner my childhood and Lola

Created by Eseya. The award has rules and these are:
1) You must choose a 5 blog that you think are deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material and contribution to the blogger community, regardless of language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and link to your blog for all to visit.
3) Each award must show the award and put the name and link to the blog of the person who has awarded
4) Prize and must display the link of "Arte y pico, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5) To show these rules.
loans with longer business as usual, I have to take five people but I love them all, but as the rules are the rules here are my nominees (think I'll give an Oscar jajajajaj)
Carmen ( Oliteja ): Because she is just so

Lu: Because we know recently and seems a century ago

Vicky: I always kind and gentle a word for everything. Liggy

: Because it is a dress Chocolatito weaver who do not fool me ..... jijiji sweet yes sir and just opened a store, do not miss it.
corner MI: Because it makes me laugh a lot, much much

All are excellent weavers, crochet, ..... we are born with a tissue in hand jjiij
Weno and how I wanted to put a picture so thank god I'm done here is what I'll send Lu, Katie and my cousin Anna, but as it's not right show the photos before they get it because I preferred that:

Regalito for Lu, this is completely finished, wrap need ..... and especially the likes

To my dear Katie, this is a little something to do and is on its way to the sewing room so wonderful has

To my cousin Anne, is carried over for, but I wanted to take a etiquetita and ... _Ani good hope you like.

Anyway, I feel the roll that I have got but if I do not speak jajaj bust.

muak besotes all

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Kenny Mysterio Southpark

As I like to talk, that awful ........ That alegríaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Well after walking many busy with many things and touched update the blog, do not know where to start ............... ................................ siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jajajajaja I was lying, I decided to do a season (mostly because I was excited not because I believe that my tiny knitting works deserve them) make me some labels for those who are biting when put on clothes and you end up cutting because the itching is unbearable ....

The Internet asked a German company (serious, responsible, fast ,..... quite efficient Germans finally), I order toa happy with a smile on my face showed up at my bank (the one you charged for breathing) and tell them very friendly:
hello good morning I want to make this transfer ! ............
uyyyyyyyyyyyy to face the creature that made me, answer: well I will get my notes pa make a transfer abroad, mother's arms fully hairs on end, ea, ta for now ....... that emotion ..... therefore not masters three days later I returned the money because the useless NOT PUT THE BANK ACCOUNT HOLDER another attempt a week later comes to fruition ... I received my ........................ My mother with my level of German I shall request !!!!!!!!! send me the same of German sausages, ainnnn if it can not be ...... Yesterday I went
doubts and ... know look what they sent me ...... ahhhhhhhhhh

valeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee jajajajaj
Come if you love me put this nonsense jajajja, I can not help ... ain to laugh, ok and I get so serious and so ta chasnnnnnnnn my labels (to be severely While the picture? will say as the child has learned to take pictures, then ja ja ja and I've run out of batteries and I had to scan the label, of course these things only happen to me hehe).

And today I have really wanted to cascarrillear (in my language of Encarna, talking up a storm here ....) I show my projects unfinished but I promise the end:
1. BABOSEITOR (MY DEAR SISTER ): Were there any longer coat jacket to choose a queen? "Tas Pensao While the number of items bearing the coat in question? Do not you feel sorry for your sister who started 122 points riding jacket in the pattern and now I have 352?

Look to the points apiñaitos jijiji
2.A rabbit measuring end as I . (Internal reflection to myself: He embodies the little dolls work well, as I like what the saying "BIG OR NO ANDE ANDE" little tribute to my mother the woman who knows proverbs in this world.

3.La Frog: jajajja .......... body lacks hope you do not end up like ancient sculptures without heads and body

Well I have more things to put on and say, but I leave it for another day ..... Besotes

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Buy Zud Cleaning Powder

Hi all, for nothing that satisfied my beloved toy Yennys muuuuu has given me this award with pride receipt, you can not imagine that gives me joy, and it is she who granted me gives me a smiley face like those smiling, with my girl you're a big moo Solete but many large muak.

1-This award should be given to the blog that I frequent regularly and leave comments considered good blog.
2-7 blog should be chosen.
3-Skynet should display as the creator of the award.

I have to pick 7 blogs that I consider great siiiiiiii, weno here goes:

my childhood

And on top of joy you put the pictures of a gift I sent my Rosita is a treasure , above us a laugh that pa that, if such person is a little treasure and more jiji pa crochet.

A purse worth using because it is a beauty and a glasses case that is beautiful, thank you very much Rosa muak. Weno
it with the joy of my award and I leave my gifts sending a kiss to all.

Friday, January 11, 2008

I Want To Congratulat Some One For Bearth Day

I do two, I passed the first and second brisita Dalis, as the former is more serious to the second I wanted to give a touch of humor and especially today is Monday jjijij ..

Challenge Brisa:

Artist ... The Ronaldos
If you are male or female?: Little Daisy
Describe: I want more
What people feel about you?: Blue blues
How would you describe your previous relationship?: You just think you
Describe your current relationship with your boyfriend (s) or boyfriend (s): I want us stuck
Where do you want to be now?: Seeking a sunny
How you feel about love?: The love factory
How is your life? It's summer
What would you ask if you had one wish? : Waiting for a miracle
Write an appointment or phrase: Do not tell me the truth
Say goodbye: I can not go
Dalis Challenge:
What hits you: The cynicism. What I
bristles: Death.
What turns me on: Oops better not say jijijiji then "to know" what I loose
: A combination of gin and tonic.
What makes you laugh: My relative making an omelette, hahaha.
What makes you mourn: My relative making an omelette.
What makes you nauseous: Mondays
What you need to be happy: Knowing the pay increase this year
What brings you unhappiness: Death
What hurts: Do not be loved
What we want: Rise of salary this year.
What fear: What will it cost to repair the car of ............
What I do not want to miss: My people.
What we want to achieve: Eternity
date loathe
A: Well no
A festival that worship: Twelfth Night
a quality you appreciate in a person: That I want
A lie you said: Nothing do not worry that I will do so delighted
A nostalgia: nostalgia rather not have
Well it happened to whoever kisses

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Creamy White Cervical Mucus After Ovulation

Two challenges

Hi, first of all happy year, I want the first images of work are the pictures that I received from the swap forum 2 work, really I am a unpresentable, pictures of my beloved Ana and I received as I'm quite clueless muyy I realized that the wonders he has commanded me not posted on my blog. For the first picture its beautiful squares and scarf as you read it ..... good enough the words, and I made good use is wonderful because my daughter
The second photo shows the tables Marisa sent me with a fish-shaped key chain is a delight and some tables are a true work of art, thanks pretty.

The third photograph is Belón boxes, as you can see are beautiful, they came with a Christmas greeting and forward to giving me a tape of the Virgen del Pilar I have saved it as a treasure, thanks pretty

And since not everything is to receive, I show the pictures that I sent to Sheila Sole of Mexico and Peru. Pictures

Sole, white, green and yellow clearly, sorry for the quality of the pictures but I promise you that one is green jijiji

Sheila boxes in pink and brown, I promise to try my of the photos but I am a

Finally a request for my kin I WANT A SCARF JOOOOOOOOO, EVERYBODY HAS ONE LESS JOOOOOOOOOOO YO! EA and ta done and do not wear jqòsijdi askjdfklñ fjqe wjrf quew r0u9 qe8urfuaq +09 `urf


Friday, January 4, 2008

Clipart Of The Number 30

Kings Squares Santa Vs


Well I want our beloved Kings bring you everything you desire and joy fill your hearts.